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Deoband, India, March 2002.Darul-Ul-Uloom, an influential Madrassah (Coranic school) was founded in Deoband in the 1860's; its radical view of Islam was easily embraced by countryside and illiterate muslems throughout the subcontinent. Numerous "daughter" Madrassahs were founded according to the Deobandi rule, the most famous in Akkora Kattak, Pakistan where most of the Afghan Taliban rulers studied for many years before taking power.
Deoband, India, March 2002.Darul-Ul-Uloom, an influential Madrassah (Coranic school) was founded in Deoband in the 1860's; its radical view of Islam was easily embraced by countryside and illiterate muslems throughout the subcontinent. Numerous "daughter" Madrassahs were founded according to the Deobandi rule, the most famous in Akkora Kattak, Pakistan where most of the Afghan Taliban rulers studied for many years before taking power.