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Deir Qanoun, South Lebanon, September 2006.A Iraqi Kurdish  team of demining experts from MAG (Mines Advisory Group) removes dozens of unexploded Israeli M77 cluster bomb submunitions in a banana plantation. During the 33 days war, Israel fired more than a million of such submunitions in South Lebanon, most of them during the last 3 days as the cease-fire had already been agreed; it is estimated that due to the age of these weapons (many of were US manufactured during the Vietnam war) as well as because of their poor design, between 30% and 60% didn't explode and are now as many uncharted landmines. Their use is strictly prohibited in civilian areas by international laws such as the Geneva convention.
Deir Qanoun, South Lebanon, September 2006.A Iraqi Kurdish team of demining experts from MAG (Mines Advisory Group) removes dozens of unexploded Israeli M77 cluster bomb submunitions in a banana plantation. During the 33 days war, Israel fired more than a million of such submunitions in South Lebanon, most of them during the last 3 days as the cease-fire had already been agreed; it is estimated that due to the age of these weapons (many of were US manufactured during the Vietnam war) as well...
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