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Misrata, Libya, March 27, 2011..Picture taken during a Libyan government organized trip to the besieged city of Misrata, about 200km east of Tripoli. The journalists were taken to a roundabout, approximately 2,5km south of the city center; nothwistanding the victory declarations of the government, violent gunfire soon erupted and journalists hastily ushered away, as well as the participants to the usual staged 'spontaneous' demonstration in support of the regime by imported supporters..
Misrata, Libya, March 27, 2011..Picture taken during a Libyan government organized trip to the besieged city of Misrata, about 200km east of Tripoli. The journalists were taken to a roundabout, approximately 2,5km south of the city center; nothwistanding the victory declarations of the government, violent gunfire soon erupted and journalists hastily ushered away, as well as the participants to the usual staged 'spontaneous' demonstration in support of the regime by imported supporters..